MusiEmotica: Musical Diary: Emotional Piano. Live Piano Improvisations

In 1979 my parents gave me a Cassette tape recorder as a present for Christmas. Immediately I began to record myself playing on the piano. I had attempted around that time to write down a few composition with pen and notepaper, but that was such a tedious process... so I had the idea to just record myself improvising music on the piano, playing with chords, melodies, themes, then later I would listen and transcribe things, making compositions out of that raw material. In 1979 I had gotten that piano as a present from my grandmother: a nice upright Yamaha, shiny dark mahogany wood. It was a bit higher than most uprights and had a phantastic clear and bright sound. Also was easy to play, the keys went so light. And so I began my musical diary: live improvisations not every day, but every few days. Reflecting my moods, emotions, events, with live play. Sometimes ty fingers would play by themselves, without plan or concept. Often musical themes similar to the music I was just playing and l...