New Sub-label: MusiEmotica

My "main" music output will be branded as from "Studio Philharmonico". But I do have another music segment, where this label does not fit well. "Studio Philharmonico" implies that the music is crafted very carefully in the studio. pulling all bells and whistles to make the recording as perfect as possible.

But I have another kind of music: my live improvisations on the music keyboard. This is what I often do: I sit at the music keyboard and just begin go play. Whatever comes to my mind, to my fingers. All depending on my current mood, events of the day, and my emotional responses to them. A kind of "musical diary". I have done this since January 1980, that time at a real acoustic piano and recording m live improvisation playing with a cassette tape recorder. I still have those recordings, which are true "LoFi" with their non-Dolby tape hiss and the automatic recording level control which makes quiet passages loud and reduces the volume of my loud playing. Atrocious recordings, but they are my own personal musical diary. My main reason for creating those recordings was to try out interesting things regrading chords and their progression, harmonies, melodies. I had tried to write some of my ideas down with pencil and paper, but that was awfully slowly, and I could of course not hear directly what I was noting down on the note paper. Recording things with live audio playing would give me the material, which I later could "transcribe" by listening into actual music compositions written in scoring notation.

I never did that, never used those audio recordings for anything else than an actual record of my emotions in music from those times. I noted down the date of each recording, sometimes also the time. 

Later, from 1997 onwards, after a long break of that "musical diary", I started again recording such live improvisations, this time on an electronic keyboard with MIDI saving capability. Now this was a great progress: the notes already were in a score, and I could edit the MIDI file to fix errors etc.

Now I plan to use the same approach to create new live improvisations. I am doing this already with in mind to publish these short improvisations online. Which means, that I keep my improvisations more concise, not endless musical rambling anymore. Maybe starting out with a small motive, a theme, then evolving this by trying out things. This still would not be fully thought-through and designed compositions, but would still be played live, with the occasional try-and-error, with mistakes, with a tempo that is often quite slow, considering my very limited piano-playing capabilities. But I think that such recordings still have some merit: they capture an actual moment in time where I tried to put my own thoughts and emotions into music. The audio will be of high quality: a Steinway piano sample from "Garritan Personal 5". It is in some way still "LoFi", due to the limited musical structure. But it is authentic, live play. I only correct a few mistakes, wrong notes that accidentally were pressed. Maybe a small increase of tempo, appropriate for the music. 

I name the new label: MusiEmotica.

This picture is from my own keyboard on which I am playing. Once can see this at a small label sticker where I noted a particular name of the key. The name "MusiEmotica" refers to the source of these music recordings: direct live emotions, versus full structured musical compositions. I did search for a suitable name, and there was nothing yet on "Google" that came up when searching for "MusiEmotica". So this is the name of this sub-label, where I will publish my live music improvisations. Initially this will be only piano solo music. But I can imagine that I also can use different instrument samples and give it a try - even then combining several instruments in a series of recording sections. Maybe the first recorded track would be the first improvisation, the other tracks would then play accompaniment, or a live response improvisation to the first one. There are a lot of possibilities! 
